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Friday, January 27, 2012

Big Goals

I want this. Or at least one really similar. And I'm not talking about the 5K medal. I want the one that says "Half Marathon". I want it because I've earned it and finished a half marathon after training my butt off this year.

G and I have done a few 5K races and plan to do more this year but more than that we would both love to get in better shape and push ourselves to do something we have never done before. And this would be a BIG push. I've used "And" too many times to start sentences in this post but sometimes that's just the way it has to be.

We really want to do a half marathon together, I sort of have one in June picked out, but I also want this on my list this year. It's a women's only race but I know G will cheer me on if I can make this happen and accomplish this goal. I would LOVE any tips, pointers, knowledge, hints, ANYTHING you can send my way for help in this undertaking. I don't want this to be something I have just talked about, I want to make it happen.

And I would really love a pretty ribbon to go along with my accomplishment. What woman doesn't like pretty accessories??


Anonymous Bri said...

Push it! DO IT!! It's a great race and you will feel so pretty with that 13.1 medal hanging around your neck. Plus the flowers, mimosas and tasty loot at the finish line are a nice bonus :)

10:08 PM  
Anonymous melinda said...

Hey Brandy- so I've been lurking and not really commenting for WAY too long. Here's my .02- I started running a little under 2 years ago, I've done a handful of 5ks and mile races, and 2 half marathons. I'm currently training for another half marathon in April. It's not easy but seriously- if I can do it, anybody can do it!!! Feel free to email me!! melinda(at)melindamusil(dot)com.

10:09 PM  

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